The role of storytellers in the preservation of Latin American folklore

Discover the fundamental role of the tellers in preserving Latin American folklore and how they contribute to keeping alive the cultural identity of the region. Read more about the importance of tellers and how you can support their work!

The role of storytellers in the preservation of Latin American folklore


Latin American folklore is a rich cultural manifestation that reflects the diversity and traditions of different regions of Latin America. Within this rich cultural background, the tellers play a crucial role in the preservation and dissemination of narratives, myths, legends and oral traditions that constitute the identity of Latin American peoples. In this article, we will explore in depth the fundamental role of the tellers in the preservation of Latin American folklore, highlighting its relevance, history, challenges and future perspectives.

History and Background

The tellers, also known as oral narrators, have been custodians of oral traditions for centuries. Its roots go back to pre-Columbian cultures, where oral narratives were the main way of transmitting knowledge, values and beliefs. With the arrival of European colonizers, these traditions were interwoven with foreign influences, further enriching the acquis of stories and stories.

During the colony period, the accountants played a crucial role in preserving the identity and cultural resistance of indigenous and Afro-descendant communities. Their ability to keep oral tradition alive was fundamental to the survival of indigenous cultural manifestations against oppression and marginalization.

Detailed Analysis

The preservation of Latin American folklore through the tellers is not without challenges. The influence of modern media, globalization and rapid urbanization have led to a decline in oral transmission of traditions. In an increasingly digitalized world, accountants face the challenge of adapting their narrative methods to capture the attention of new generations and preserve the authenticity of stories.

In addition, the lack of institutional recognition and support for accountants is another significant obstacle. The absence of sound cultural policies and spaces dedicated to the dissemination of oral narrative hinders the continuity and transcendence of this form of artistic expression.

However, despite these challenges, accountants have found innovative ways to adapt to new times. The use of digital platforms, the creation of oral narrative festivals, and the collaboration with educational institutions are some of the strategies that have enabled the tellers to preserve and spread Latin American folklore effectively.

Comprehensive review

In the preservation of Latin American folklore, accountants play an essential role in serving as guardians of collective memory. Their work not only lies in the transmission of stories, but also in the promotion of the sense of identity and belonging in communities.

The work of the tellers is not only limited to the preservation of ancestral narratives, but also extends to the creation of new stories that address contemporary themes, allowing Latin American folklore to continue to evolve and be relevant in today's society.

Comparative analysis

Compared to other ways of preserving folklore, such as writing or recording, the oral narrative through the tellers has the unique quality of direct interaction with the public. This closeness and active participation of listeners in storytelling creates a deeper emotional bond with traditions, generating a lasting impact on the audience.

While recordings and books preserve the stories, the orality of the tellers adds a unique human and living dimension, enriching the cultural experience and preserving the authenticity and art of narration.

Practical Tips and Accessible Recommendations

To preserve Latin American folklore, it is crucial to support and disseminate the work of the accountants. Here are some ways you can contribute to this cause:

  1. It attends oral narration festivals and local cultural events to support the tellers and enjoy their narratives.
  2. Support the creation of spaces for the dissemination and promotion of oral narrative in your community.
  3. Participate in workshops and oral narrative courses to learn techniques and narrative skills, and perhaps even become an accountant.
  4. It disseminates the work of accountants through social networks and other digital platforms to increase their visibility and recognition.
  5. It involves the youngest through educational programs that promote the appreciation and learning of oral narrative.
  6. It collaborates with cultural and educational institutions to organize activities that promote Latin American folklore and oral narrative.

Sector Perspectives and Views of Experts

The renowned anthropologist and expert in Latin American folklore, Dr. María Guzmán, highlights the importance of the tellers as guardians of oral traditions. According to their research, oral narrative represents a form of cultural resistance and strengthening community identity in a context of growing cultural homogenization.

Juan Pérez, an internationally recognized accountant, emphasizes the need to adapt traditional narrative techniques to the demands of contemporary society. It considers that the use of digital platforms and the combination of different forms of artistic expression are key elements for reaching wider audiences without sacrificing the essence of folklore.

Case Studies and Practical Applications

The International Festival of Oral Narrators in Bogotá, Colombia, has been an outstanding example of the promotion and preservation of Latin American folklore through the tellers. This event brings together oral narrators from different countries of Latin America and the world, offering a space for the dissemination, exchange and promotion of traditional narratives.

In Mexico, the "Cuenteros en las Escuelas" project has managed to integrate oral narrative as part of educational activities, promoting interest and appreciation for Latin American folklore from early ages.

Future Trends and Predictions

The future of the tellers and the preservation of Latin American folklore becomes promising as they adapt to the demands and challenges of the 21st century. The integration of new technologies, intergenerational collaboration, and the appreciation of cultural diversity are trends that will mark the course of oral narrative in the coming years.


In short, accountants play a fundamental role in the preservation of Latin American folklore by being the guardians of oral traditions that have defined the cultural identity of the region. Their work not only contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage, but also enriches the lives of communities through the incredible stories they tell. Supporting and valuing the work of the accountants is vital to ensure that the rich legacy of Latin American narratives perpetuates and continues to inspire future generations.

Frequently asked questions

What is the origin of the tradition of accountants in Latin America?

The tradition of tellers in Latin America has its roots in pre-Columbian cultures, where oral narrative was the main way of transmitting knowledge and legends. With the arrival of European colonizers, these traditions were enriched with foreign influences, and the tellers became custodians of collective memory.

What challenges do accountants face in the preservation of Latin American folklore?

The tellers face challenges such as the influence of modern media, the lack of institutional recognition and the maintenance of authenticity in narratives in an increasingly digitalized world.

What role do accountants play in preserving cultural heritage?

The tellers are fundamental in the preservation of cultural heritage, as through oral narrative they transmit and keep alive the traditions, myths, legends and values of different Latin American cultures, contributing to the identity and cohesion of the communities.

How can I support the tellers and the preservation of Latin American folklore?

You can support accountants by attending oral narrative festivals, spreading their work on social networks, participating in related cultural activities and collaborating with educational institutions to promote Latin American folklore.

What is the importance of oral narrative today?

Oral narrative is important today because it preserves cultural traditions, promotes diversity and strengthens the sense of identity and belonging of communities. In addition, in a world flooded with digital information, oral narrative offers a unique human and emotional experience.

What is the impact of oral narrative on contemporary society?

Oral narrative in contemporary society has a significant impact in fostering appreciation for cultural diversity, strengthening collective memory, and promoting empathy and understanding among people through stories that transcend borders.

What future opportunities do you see for tellers and the preservation of Latin American folklore?

Future opportunities for accountants and the preservation of Latin American folklore include the integration of new technologies, intergenerational collaboration, and the appreciation of cultural diversity, which will allow them to adapt to the demands and challenges of the twenty-first century.


In conclusion, accountants play a vital role in the preservation of Latin American folklore, being the custodians of oral traditions that have defined the cultural identity of the region. Their work not only contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage, but also enriches the lives of communities through the incredible stories they tell. Supporting and valuing the work of the accountants is vital to ensure that the rich legacy of Latin American narratives perpetuates and continues to inspire future generations.