Ghosts and apparitions in history: Real scary stories

Fantasmas and apparitions in history: discovers stories of real fear that have left their mark on the collective psyche. Explore the evolution of these terrifying stories from antiquity to present and discover the intrigue behind these mysterious manifestations. Read more to know the truth behind the ghosts!

Ghosts and apparitions in history: Real scary stories


The accounts of ghosts and apparitions have captivated mankind throughout history. These stories of fear, often so vivid that they put the hairs of tip, have interwoven with the history of civilizations, leaving an indelible mark on the collective psyche. In this article, we will explore the history of ghosts and apparitions, unraveling genuine stories that have endured over the centuries. From ancient legends to contemporary experiences, we will discover the intrigue behind these mysterious manifestations.

History and Background

Ghost stories have deep roots in cultures around the world. From the cave paintings that represent spectral figures, to the stories written in ancient Egyptian papyrus, the presence of the supernatural has been a constant in human history. Over the centuries, these stories have evolved, adapting to cultural changes, but maintaining their supernatural and terrifying essence.

Origins and Historical Significance

Belief in ghosts and appearances dates back to ancient times, with civilizations such as Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and many others that incorporated these ghost figures into their mythologies. In the Middle Ages, ghost stories were used as tools to teach morality and convey common fears, reflecting the anxieties of society at that time.

Egyptian Civilization

In ancient Egypt, ghosts were seen as restless spirits of those who had not received the proper funeral rites. It was believed that they could cause havoc on the living, but also offer valuable warnings or advice.

Greece and Rome

In Greece and Rome, ghosts were known as "sombras" or "mans". The appearance stories were common and often related to the lack of proper burials or pending revenge.

Carnage and Key Moments

The advance of the printing press in the 15th century facilitated the spread of ghost stories, bringing fear and fascination to new audiences. Later, in the Victorian era, the presumption of contacting the deceased through sessions of Spiritism gained popularity, marking a time of great interest in the paranormal.

It was Victoriana.

The Victorian era was a period of great fascination with the supernatural. Spiritism sessions, ghost stories and paranormal encounter stories became extremely popular. This interest was reflected in literature, with authors like Charles Dickens writing ghost stories that still echo today.

Twentieth and twenty-first century

In the twentieth century, the media, such as radio and television, brought ghost stories to an even wider audience. Television programs, movies and books about the paranormal continued to fuel the interest in these phenomena.

Anecdotes and Case Studies

Among the most famous stories in history is "The Canterville Ghost" by Oscar Wilde, a satire about the conventions of ghost literature, and the "Poltergeist de Enfield", a case investigated by parapsychologists in the 1970s that continues to generate debate until today.

The Canterville Ghost

Oscar Wilde wrote "The Canterville Ghost" in 1887, combining humor and supernatural elements to tell the story of an American family that buys a haunted English castle. History stands out for its satirical approach and its criticism of the cultural differences between the United States and Great Britain.

Enfield Poltergeist

Enfield's Poltergeist is one of the most documented paranormal activity cases. Between 1977 and 1979, the Hodgson family experienced inexplicable phenomena in their home in Enfield, London. Events included moving furniture, blows on walls and levitations. Researchers from the Society for psychic Research and journalists documented the events, generating great controversy and debate.

Deep analysis

Genuine accounts of fear have aroused a variety of emotions and beliefs in societies over time. Although modern science seeks rational explanations, interest in the supernatural remains strong.

Benefits and Challenges

The stories of fear and belief in ghosts have served to satisfy the human need to understand the inexplicable and face our deepest fears. However, excess credulity may lead to the dissemination of misinformation and the exploitation of vulnerable persons.

Perspectives and Views

From parapsychology to scientific skepticism, stories of fear have been addressed from a wide range of perspectives. While some seek empirical evidence, others embrace the symbolic and emotional dimension of these experiences.


Parapsychology is the scientific study of paranormal phenomena. Parapsychologists investigate ghost stories, poltergeists and other supernatural experiences using scientific methods to try to find explanations.

Scientist skepticism

Skeptics argue that ghost stories can be explained by natural phenomena, illusions or frauds. They argue that there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support the existence of ghosts.

Exhaustive examination

Comparative analysis

By comparing the accounts of ghosts of different cultures and eras, you can observe a series of common themes. Most stories involve spirits of deceased people who return for a specific purpose, such as warning the living, revenge or complete outstanding issues. Despite cultural differences, these themes reflect universal human concerns about death, beyond and the desire to close circles.

Applicable Tips and Recommendations

For those interested in investigating or exploring ghost stories, it is important to adopt a balanced and critical approach:

  1. Investigate Sources: Verify the authenticity of the sources and look for multiple testimonies before accepting a story as true.
  2. Use Technology: Use equipment such as audio recorders, cameras and motion sensors to document possible phenomena.
  3. Keep an open but skeptical Mind: Be open to the possibility of the paranormal, but also seek rational and scientific explanations.

Sector Information and Views of Experts

The interest in ghosts and paranormal has led to the development of an industry that includes television programs, ghost tours and supernatural lectures. Experts in the field, such as parapsychologists and book authors on ghosts, contribute to a continuous dialogue on the existence and nature of these phenomena.

Case Studies and Real Life Applications

Ghost tours in historic cities, such as Edinburgh, New Orleans and Prague, attract thousands of tourists every year. These tours combine history and local legends, providing an educational and entertaining experience.

Future Trends and Predictions

As technology advances, paranormal research methods are likely to become more sophisticated. Virtual and augmented reality could offer new ways of experiencing and exploring ghost stories. Moreover, interest in the supernatural will probably continue, as these stories touch fundamental aspects of human experience.


The accounts of ghosts and apparitions have been a constant in human history, reflecting our fears, hopes and curiosities about the unknown. From ancient civilizations to the modern era, these stories have evolved but have maintained their ability to fascinate and terrorize. In exploring these accounts, we gain a greater understanding of the human psyche and the ways in which we face the inexplicable.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What are the ghosts?
    • Ghosts are generally regarded as spirits of deceased people who return to the world of the living for various reasons, such as completing outstanding issues or warning the living.
  2. Is there scientific evidence of the existence of ghosts?
    • To date, there is no conclusive scientific evidence to demonstrate the existence of ghosts. However, personal stories and experiences continue to fuel interest and research in this field.
  3. What is the case of most famous ghosts?
    • One of the most famous cases is Enfield's Poltergeist, which occurred in the 1970s in England and was widely documented and discussed.
  4. Why are people still interested in ghost stories?
    • Interest in ghost stories persists because they touch universal themes such as death, beyond and inexplicable, offering a way to explore and confront our deepest fears.
  5. How can I effectively investigate paranormal phenomena?
    • Investigating paranormal phenomena requires a balanced approach, including source verification, the use of technology to document events and maintain an open but skeptical mind.