The Basilisk: The King Serpent

Discover the fascinating history of the Basilisco, the king serpent, and his mortal gaze. Explore the connection with the mirror and the rooster, and learn about symbolism and the relevance of this mythological being in today's culture. Learn more!

The Basilisk: The King Serpent


The legend of the basilisco, also known as "the king serpent", has endured over centuries in numerous cultures around the world. This mythological being has captured the imagination of many people because of his mortal gaze, the belief that he can kill with just one look. In this article, we will explore history in detail, popular beliefs, as well as symbolism associated with basilisco. In addition, we will seek to understand the connection between the basilisco, the mirror and the rooster. Join us on this fascinating journey through the mysticism of basilisco!

The Origin and Legend of Basilisco

The basilisco, with its origins dating back to Greek and Roman mythology, has inspired fear and curiosity throughout history. This creature, described as a serpent with a cock head, is believed to be born from a rooster egg incubated by a snake or a sap. Legend has it that his gaze can turn into stone any living being, making it a feared and powerful creature.

Mythological origins

In Greek mythology, the basilisco was known as the "King of the Serpents", a lethal beast whose only presence could sow chaos and panic among people. The ancient Roman myths also describe the basilisco as a creature of great malice, associating it with darkness and chaos.

The Mortal Look and its Symbolism

The mortal look of the basilisco has been the subject of many interpretations over time. He is attributed a destructive power capable of petrifying his prey, as well as destroying his enemies with one look. This belief has found its place in folklore and popular culture, making basilisco a symbol of fear and caution.

The Mirror and his Defense

The mirror has been used throughout history as a possible defense against the basilisco. Popular belief argued that by finding its reflection in the mirror, the basilisco would see itself and petrify with its own mortal gaze. This symbolic image has led the mirror to be associated with protection against evil and dangers.

The Importance of the Gallo

The cock has been closely linked with basilisco in popular legends and beliefs. It was believed that the rooster's song was a crucial element in defeating the basilisco, as its song was so powerful that it could drive away the basilisco and protect those who heard it. This association between the rooster and the defeat of the basilisco has transcended generations, making the rooster a symbol of hope and protection.


The basilisco, with all its mysticism and symbolism, remains an intriguing figure in mythology and popular culture. His connections with the mortal gaze, the mirror and the rooster have created a fascinating narrative that continues to capture the imagination of many people. As we explore these connections, we immerse ourselves in a world of folklore, symbols and stories that have endured over time.

As we reflect on the legend of basilisco and its relevance today, we remember the importance of understanding the cultural wealth that nourishes our beliefs and traditions. The basilisco, with its mortal gaze intertwined with the mirror and the rooster, invites us to explore the mysteries and wonders that still await us in the depths of mythology and human imagination.

Frequently asked questions

What is the mysterious power of the basilisco's mortal gaze?

The mortal look of the basilisco is a fundamental aspect of its legend, which is said to have the power to petrify its victims with just one look. This attribute has generated great interest and curiosity around the creature.

How does the mirror relate to the defense against the basilisco?

The mirror has been considered a means of defense against the basilisco, since it is believed that its reflection can petrify the basilisco, thus saving those who face it. This belief has led to the association of the mirror with the protection against evil.

What role does the rooster play in basilisco legends?

The rooster has been closely linked to the basilisco in the legends, since it is believed that its powerful song is able to chase away the basilisco and protect those who hear it. This association has consolidated the rooster as a symbol of hope and defense.

Are there variations in basilisco legends in different cultures?

Yes, the basilisco legends have varied in different cultures over time, with adaptations and nuances that reflect the beliefs and traditions of different regions.

What is the relevance of basilisco in contemporary culture?

Although the belief in basilisco as a real creature has diminished, its presence in contemporary culture through literature, cinema and other media remains significant, showing that its fascination persists today.

Why is the basilisco still such an intriguing figure today?

The basilisco figure remains intriguing because of its unique combination of mythological attributes, including the mortal look, the association with the mirror and the rooster, and its presence in multiple cultures throughout history.

What is the importance of understanding mythological creatures in today's society?

Understanding mythological creatures like basilisco allows us to explore cultural wealth, human creativity and the evolution of beliefs over time, enriching our understanding of cultural diversity and collective imagination.


The legend of the basilisco, with its mortal gaze, the symbolism of the mirror and the relationship with the rooster, remains an inexhaustible source of fascination and mystery. Through this journey, we have explored the rich history and contemporary relevance of this mythological being, discovering its power to inspire caution, hope and curiosity in today's society. That this exploration motivates us to continue to discover and appreciate the wonders that dwell in the vast universe of legends and myths.