Anubis: The Guardian of the Beyond

Anubis: The Guardian of the Beyond - Discover the fascinating history of Anubis, the Egyptian god who protected the transit of the soul to the Beyond, and his close relationship with mummification, judgment and jackals. Read more!

Anubis: The Guardian of the Beyond


Ancient Egypt is known for its fascinating religious traditions and beliefs that have left an indelible mark on humanity. Among his deities, Anubis stands out as one of the most enigmatic and relevant gods of Egyptian mythology. In this article, we will explore the role of Anubis as the guardian of the Beyond, as well as his close relationship with mummification, judgment and jackals. This story offers a window into an ancient world full of mystery, rituals and beliefs that continue to captivate current generations.


The mummification in ancient Egypt is a deeply rooted phenomenon in the funeral culture of Egyptian civilization. This process, linked to the care of the deceased for their journey to apostate life, reflects the belief in the importance of the preservation of the body for future existence. In the context of mummification, Anubis emerges as an essential figure, playing a crucial role in the protection and guidance of the deceased to the beyond. Such a link gives Anubis a significant relevance in understanding Egyptian funeral practices and their spiritual implications.

The Importance of Anubis in the Momification Process

In the context of mummification, Anubis is erected as a central figure, incarnating protection and guidance in the journey of the soul of the deceased to the underworld. His role as guardian of the Beyond is of crucial importance in the ritual of mummification, where his influence was invoked to ensure safe and protected transit. The presence of Anubis during this process symbolized the guarantee of the spiritual and physical integrity of the deceased, establishing a spiritual connection that transcended the earthly limits.

Rites and Beliefs linked to Anubis in the Momification Context

The rituals associated with mummification were intertwined closely with the presence of Anubis, whose shady shawl personified wisdom and protection on the journey to the Beyond. The figure of Anubis was invoked to infuse a sense of security and protection, facilitating the transit of the soul of the deceased into the spiritual spheres. This bond established between mummification and Anubis transcends mere funerary practice, delineating with mystical strokes the connection between earthly life and existence beyond the veil of death.


The judgment after death represented a decisive moment in Egyptian mythology, where the soul of the deceased was subjected to a divine scrutiny that would determine his destiny in the Beyond. In this process, Anubis played a fundamental role as the guide and protector, accompanying the deceased to the judgment room where his heart was heavy in a balance against the pen of truth. The weight of this scale symbolized the assessment of the life of the deceased, determining its suitability to achieve eternity in the kingdom of Osiris. The presence and function of Anubis in this context reflects his condition as the custodian of divine justice and the transition to the Beyond.

The Figure of Anubis in the Postmortem Judgment

As guardian of the Beyond, Anubis accompanied the deceased on his journey to the courtroom, granting comfort and support during this momentous process. His role as a guide and protector conferred confidence on the soul of the deceased, mitigating the tensions associated with the assessment of his earthly existence. The connection between Anubis and the postmortem trial is emblematic of its role as the archetype of justice and impartiality, establishing a transcendent framework for the transition of the soul to its definitive destiny.

Ritualistics and Beliefs Associated with Judgment and Anubis

The rituals linked to the postmortem judgment were intertwined with the presence of Anubis, whose role as the guardian of the Beyond conferred a sense of protection and confidence on the deceased during this critical process. The image of Anubis guarding the deceased on his journey symbolized belief in divine justice and the need to be accompanied by a benevolent guide on the threshold between life and eternity. This mystical understanding of the connection between Anubis and the postmortem judgment reveals the spiritual depth of Egyptian beliefs around the transit to the Beyond.

The Chacales and Anubis in Egyptian Mythology

The jackals were closely associated with Anubis, playing a symbolic role that transcended the earthly to incarnate spiritual and mythological archetypes. In the context of Egyptian mythology, the jackals were seen as beings inhabiting desert lands, symbolizing the connection between life and death. This perception gave the jackals a prominent place in the Egyptian pantheon, especially in their relationship with Anubis, whose figure was represented with features of this animal. The image of the jackal as a spiritual companion of Anubis was erected as a symbol of transition and connection between the earthly and spiritual realms, infusing this figure a transcendental relevance in Egyptian mythology.

Chacales: Transition Guardians

The jackals, as representatives of the desert fauna, embodied the transition between life and death in the Egyptian cosmogony. This symbolic representation established a parallel between the nature of the jackals and the role of Anubis, who shared with them physical and spiritual traits. The presence of the jackals as companions of Anubis stressed the need for a guide in the transit to the Beyond, revealing a cosmovision where the earthly and the spiritual were intertwined in a mystical and inextricable balance.

Spiritual Significance of the Chacals in Relation to Anubis

The association between the jackals and Anubis transcended the mere iconography, delineating an inherent spiritual connection between these figures. The chacals, in their quality as guardians of the desert landscape, embodied the transition and the transformation, qualities that were reflected in the function of Anubis as a guide and protector in the transit to the Beyond. This symbolic interpretation offered a deeper understanding of the spiritual relevance of the jackals in Egyptian mythology, revealing their role as mediators between life and death in the Egyptian imaginary.


The figure of Anubis as the guardian of the Beyond encapsulates the spiritual and mystical depth of Egyptian mythology, revealing a cosmos where the earthly and the spiritual melt into a symbiotic dance of meanings and beliefs. His close relationship with mummification, postmortem judgment and jackals projects Anubis as a deity whose influence transcends the limits of time and rational understanding. Exploring the legacy of Anubis in Egyptian mythology invites us to enter into a universe of ancestral beliefs impregnated with mystery and revelation, where the Beyond takes shape through the eternal radiance of his custodians.

It is worth exploring more deeply these facets of Egyptian mythology, as they offer us not only a glimpse of an ancient civilization, but also a deep reflection on human nature and our perceptions of life and death.


For more information about Anubis, mummification, and Egyptian mythology, you can consult the following sources:

  1. "Anubis: The Guardian of the Beyond" by ArchHistory.
  2. "History of mummification in ancient Egypt" by National Geographic.
  3. "Osiris' trial: Justice in Egyptian mythology" by Egyptian Myths.

Remember that to immerse yourself in the legacy of Anubis and Egyptian mythology is to enter into a worldview that transcends the limits of the tangible, offering a journey to the heart of the eternal beliefs and aspirations of the human being.


**What was Anubis' role in the mummification process?**Anubis played a crucial role as the guardian of the Beyond, ensuring the safe passage of the soul of the deceased and preserving its spiritual and physical integrity during mummification.

**Why was Anubis associated with the jackals?**Anubis was associated with the jackals because of his symbolic role as guardians of the transition between life and death, reflecting Anubis' spiritual function as a guide and protector in the Beyond.

**What was the postmortem trial process in Egyptian mythology?**The postmortem judgment in the Egyptian mythology involved the assessment of the soul of the deceased in the judgment room, where his heart was weighed against the pen of truth to determine his eternal destiny.

**What kind of beliefs and rituals were associated with postmortem and Anubis judgment?**The postmortem judgment and rituals associated with Anubis reflected the belief in divine justice and the need for protection and guidance in transit to the Beyond.

**What is the importance of understanding Egyptian mythology today?**Egyptian mythology offers a window into understanding the beliefs, aspirations and reflections of one of the oldest civilizations, enriching our perception of history and human experience.

**How do the jackals relate to the transition to the Beyond in Egyptian mythology?**The jackals symbolized the transition between life and death, incarnating the role of spiritual guardians in the transition to the Beyond, which relates intrinsically to the function of Anubis as the custodian of this process.

We hope that these responses have been enlightening. If you have more questions about this fascinating theme, do not hesitate to explore more thoroughly this rich and enigmatic facet of Egyptian mythology.